Hatcher Pass Climbing - june 2016
Emily and I enjoyed some moss covered and wet granite climbing at Hatcher Pass in the Talkeetna Range. The climbing here was hard! Notably we climbed the first two pitches of the famous Toto, which is on the feature that experienced a huge rockfall just over 10 years before we were there, and we heard a party was actually on the route at the time of the event! We also climbed physical attraction which was a very good route, and did a few others as well.
Grapefruit Rocks Climbing - june 2016
About an hour north of Fairbanks on the Dalton Highway is a limestome cragging area known as Grapefruit Rocks. We found lots of bolted limestone face climbing here and enjoed a day of climbing before getting stormed on as we hiked back to the car. There was amazingly no bugs!
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